New Members: Welcome Home!

Yesterday morning, we were delighted to welcome the Most Rev. Dr. Ray Sutton, Presiding Bishop of the REC and Ordinary of the Diocese of Mid-America, as he received our newest members into the REC and ASAC family. The Lord continues to bless the Reformed Episcopal Church, the Diocese of Mid-America and All Saints Anglican Church with what we describe and value as “slow, high quality growth” both in terms of people and spiritual breadth and depth.

Our worship service was doubly special this Sunday as Bishop Sutton also installed our Rector, the Reverend Canon Tony Welty, as Canon Missioner for Church Revitalization of the Diocese of Mid-America in the Reformed Episcopal Church.
Welcome to our newest members and congratulations Father Tony!
All Saints Anglican Church has been worshipping in the Shreveport community for over thirty years. We welcome all who are looking for a biblically faithful congregation with traditional values and a liturgical express of worship.